General information

VILASECA S.A., a Spanish company with registered office at:

Carrer Campmany, 25
08301 MATARO
Tax ID No. (NIF): A08495806

Entered in the Companies Register of Barcelona, in volume 6027, folio 32, page B-20033.

The contact e-mail address of the company is:

Conditions of Use

This web site is an online sales channel for underwear garments and accessories.

Web users, through their access and browsing, must use the site in accordance with the legislation in force at any given time and in accordance with the conditions established herein, generally accepted morals and good customs and public order. Users shall be liable to VILASECA, S.A. and/or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a consequence of the breach of said obligation.

Access to and browsing of this web site implies awareness and acceptance of the legal disclaimers contained herein. Access to the web site does not represent the establishment of any relationship whatsoever between VILASECA, S.A. and users.

This legal disclaimer is subject to changes of any kind as and when VILASECA, S.A. considers it necessary or in order to adapt it to legislative changes and/or technological advances that may occur in the future.

VILASECA, S.A., may deny access to this web site to any user that carries out illegal activities.
Users of this web site must refrain, at all times, from removing, altering, bypassing or manipulating any protective device or security system that may be installed on the site.

Intellectual and industrial property

All of this web site: the description and characteristics, texts, images, brands, logos, buttons, software files, color combinations, as well as the structure, selection, order and presentation of its contents is protected by Spanish and international laws on intellectual and industrial property. VILASECA, S.A. on its own behalf or as assignee, is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights of and its web pages, as well as of the elements contained therein.

Under no circumstances does the access by third parties to said site represent any kind of waiver, transfer or total or partial assignment of the rights granted by Spanish and international law on intellectual and industrial property.

By virtue of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Act, the reproduction (except for the temporary download from the web site to the hard drive of users’ computers or proxy servers), copying, use, distribution, re-use, exploitation, the making of second copies, sending by e-mail, transmission, modification, assignment or any other act that is made using all or part of the information contained on this web site without the express authorisation of VILASECA, S.A. is strictly prohibited.

Users may only use the contents for their own personal and private use and undertake not to use them for commercial purposes. Users must use the contents appropriately, correctly and legally and especially undertake to refrain from removing, bypassing or manipulating the copyright and other identification data of the rights of the owner company of this site or of its owners included in the contents, or of the technical protective devices or any information mechanism that may be included in the contents. is a domain registered by VILASECA, S.A. The domain of the aforementioned company may not be used without express prior authorisation, in connection with other services not provided by the company in any way that could cause confusion among the company’s customers or discredit said company.

Data protection

Pursuant to the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, VILASECA, S.A., hereby informs users of its web site that the personal data collected by the company through the forms located on its web pages shall be entered into a computerised file under the responsibility of VILASECA, S.A., in order to facilitate, speed up and fulfil the commitments established between both parties.

VILASECA, S.A. also hereby informs users that they may exercise their rights of access, cancellation, rectification and objection by writing to: VILASECA, S.A. - Campmany, 25 – 08301 Mataró (Barcelona).

Unless the company is informed otherwise, it shall understand that their data has not been changed and that users undertake to notify the company of any change and that the company has users’ consent to use them in order to strengthen the relationship between the parties.

Exemptions from liability

The use of this web site is at the sole risk and responsibility of users. VILASECA, S.A., accepts no liability for any misuse that users may make of this web site. As a consequence of the foregoing, users are the sole liable party to VILASECA, S.A. and third parties for:

a. Any consequences that may be derived from the use, for illegal objectives or purposes or that are contrary to this document, of any content of the web site, whether prepared by VILASECA, S.A. or not and whether officially published under its name or not;

b. Any consequences that may be derived from use that is contrary to this document and damaging to the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way may harm, render useless or damage the web site or its services or stop its normal use by other users.

VILASECA, S.A., hereby informs users that it does not guarantee:

a. That Access to the web site and/or to linked the web sites will be uninterrupted or free of errors;

b. That the content or software that users access through the web site or the linked web sites will not contain any errors, computer viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause changes to their computer system or to the electronic documents and files stored on their computer system or cause any other kind of damage;

c. The use of the information or content of this web site or linked web sites that members and users may make for their personal reasons. The information contained on this web site must be considered as for explanatory and guidance purposes only, both regarding its objective and its purpose and therefore: VILASECA, S.A. does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on this web site and consequently does not accept any liability whatsoever regarding any possible damages or inconvenience for users that may be derived from any inaccuracy on this web site.


If any clause of this document is declared null and void, the other clauses shall continue in force and shall be interpreted by taking into account the good will of the parties and the purpose of this document itself.

VILASECA, S.A. may decide not to exercise any of the rights and powers conferred herein and this shall not represent under any circumstances their waiver, unless expressly recognised by VILASECA, S.A. or the statute of limitations of the action in each individual case.

Legal Actions, Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction

VILASECA, S.A. also reserves the right to file the appropriate civil or criminal actions due to the incorrect use of its web pages and contents or due to the breach of these conditions.

The relationship between users and VILASECA, S.A. shall be governed by Spanish legislation and the courts of the city of BARCELONA shall be competent to decide on any dispute that may arise between users and VILASECA, S.A.

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